An Invitation to Conversation 42
I’ve been mulling an idea for several weeks and want to put it out there for you to mull . . . and respond.
I usually get four to six thoughtful responses to each of my blog posts. Which I like a lot. I’m not talking about FB “likes” (which are also nice). I’m talking about substantive responses.
I want to encourage and broaden this conversation. So here’s my idea, one I’m hoping 1) appeals to some of you and 2) is one you will make better with your suggestions.
Let’s call it “Conversation 42.” The idea would be a Zoom gathering for readers of “What’s Tony Thinking?” Each week we focus on one of my posts. I’m thinking Fridays at noon, which means 3:00 for east coast readers, 9:00 for people in Hawaii.
I’m imagining I would pick one of my blogs from that week’s crop. I would begin our session by reading it out loud, then we would open it to your thoughts, responses, questions, objections and further connections. My primary interest is not what I have written (although I would keep us on track). It is what you have to say and the conversation that unfolds amongst us. I would come up with a few “guidelines” for keeping the conversation moving.
I’m imagining a time frame of noon to 12:42. Why 42 minutes? Why not? Long enough, not too long.
Does this sound like something you would be interested in? If so, use the “contact” button/ form at this site to write back and say, “Yes, I am interested in Conversation 42, put me on that list.” I will add your email to a Zoom list and notify you the day prior to our discussion of the topic and provide the link. Saying “yes” does not mean you are committed for each Friday from now until the end of the world. It only means, you’ll get the link and can log on that week if you are able and wish to do so.
For much of my life I have tried to build community and foster good conversations. This continues that work.
Let me know if you’d like to take part, if you’d like to be on the list for “Conversation 42.”
We will launch on Friday, February 5, noon to 12: 42 PST.