Quick Update on C42
I’m thrilled that as of noon today (PST) 22 of you had already signed up for “Conversation 42!”
For now, I’m going to cap us at 30. So 8 more and we’re on hold for a while. I will keep a “waiting list” in the event that we have cancellations.
We will begin at noon on Friday, February 5, and go for four weeks and see what we’ve learned and how it’s going. At that point, I may open up the list again.
The other thing we will do is make use of the ZOOM feature of “break-out rooms” for 10 or so minutes of our 42 minute gatherings. We will keep those breakout groups to 3 or 4 so everyone has a chance to share some thoughts. Don’t worry about getting into these groups. I’ll take care of that on my end.
I may also tap a couple of you, in advance, to be ready to open the discussion on any given Friday to get things rolling.
It generally seems to be helpful on ZOOM if we mute ourselves until we want to speak, and then “unmute.” That will be a button in the lower left corner of your screen.
As previously noted, those on the list for C42 will receive an email from me the day before with a ZOOM link. At that time, I will also identify which of the week’s blogs/ topics will be our focus.
Thanks again for your fantastic response. I’m excited to give this a try. As we go along, I hope you’ll feel free to contact me at anthonybrobinson747@gmail.com with your ideas of how to make C42 better.