Round Two: Tony and Will
The folks at the “Crackers and Grape Juice” Podcast posted Round Two of their conversations with Will Willimon and me. Click on this link if you want to take a listen as we respond to questions sent in by listeners, including some of you who read this blog.
When we spoke Will was freshly into the controversy over an article he and Stanley Hauerwas had in The Christian Century on pastoral care. That got a lot of push-back from readers, to which Will responds a bit in this episode.
In the meantime, I am off on a late season backpacking trip with my buddy, Mike Pierson. We’re heading into the Wallowas from the east side, near the Salt Creek Summit.
We will go to Bonny Lakes, then over Dollar Pass. From there angling southwest, up and over Tenderfoot Pass. We plan to loop back out hiking over the Minam Divide, which is the large ridge that appears in the distance in this photo.
We might see a little snow in the course of the three day trip. Hopefully, not a lot. The other wrinkle is that it’s hunting season. So we’re hoping to not get confused for elk or deer.