Some News About My Blogs
I hope everyone is hanging in there in these last days before our official “Election Day” next Tuesday. Pins and needles time. We will all have to come up with an extra measure of patience as the results come in more slowly over a several day period due to the large mail-in vote. Let’s just hope there are no major screw-ups with the voting. I attach a photo of what I hope is a calming autumn scene from the Wallowas.
I wanted to mention to you that I am needing to make some changes to the way in which I get my blogs to you. We’ve had some difficulties maintaining our list with the current program. With some foolish pride, I’d reported that there were 8,000 subscribers to this blog. Turns out that was far off as the list was carrying a huge number of bogus and unconfirmed recipients. My penance was to have to delete all the bogus ones, one at a time! Whether all this was due to technical malfunction or hackers, I’m not sure. Anyhow, the real number is more like 800, which is fine by me. I was always puzzled by the large and constantly growing number of “subscribers.”
At any rate, I am going to be using a different service, Constant Contact, starting soon to send my email alerts to subscribers. My list of subscribers will also be maintained by Constant Contact, which has better filters and monitors.
For you the change should be minimal, hopefully not noticeable at all. As is now the case, you’ll get an alert to your email in-box when I do a new blog, with a link to get the whole piece. If you experience difficulties with this, please do let me know.
There is one other implication to this change: cost. My costs will go up substantially. This blog is free and will remain so. But if you’d like to support this venture and help defray my costs, feel free to send a check (or cash) to me at Anthony B. Robinson, 6006 Seaview Ave. N.W., Unit I, Seattle, WA 98107. I apologize for not having a faster/ easier process to make such a gift. But that would only further escalate costs.
How much to give? $10 would be great, $5 is just fine. And no contribution at all is perfect if you’re not in a position to make one. No problem. Please stick with us. Depending on how this goes, I may make such a request on an annual basis. But never more than that. Thanks for considering it, and most of all, thanks for being part of this venture as a reader/ subscriber. (One more recent Wallowa County photo at right)
May God bless you and keep you, and us all, in the days and weeks ahead. Tony