What's Tony Thinking

What I Want to Know About John Bolton


John Bolton wants to tell us about President Trump . . . a bit late for that.

My question is about John Bolton.

What’s with up with the hand to the glasses thing? Can someone, please, get this fellow glasses that fit?

Let us consider this affectation . . . the constant touching of the right frame of one’s spectacles. What is the message in that? “I am thinking deeper thoughts than you!” “I am adjusting my glasses so that I can see, or make you think I see, more than you?” “I have X-ray vision (but haven’t quite got it focused)!” Or,
“Did you notice my class ring? From Yale, by the way.”

Does it suggest great insight? Intelligence? Perceptive capacity? Or a slippery nose? Excessive sweating?

Is this some form of camouflage peculiar to intellectuals, or those who wish to be perceived as intellectuals? Does Mr. Bolton pine for the days of the monocle? Is he the Sherlock Holmes of foreign policy?


Or perhaps as a younger man Mr. Bolton had a problem picking his nose and a psychologist employed behavior modification to get him to fiddle with his spectacles rather than his nostrils?

Does the frequency of his touch telegraph something? More touches per minute = greater confidence? Or greater anxiety? Higher touch frequency = he is lying? Or telling the truth? Is he tipping off the FBI? The CIA? His wife? Vlad?


If I were an optometrist, this would be driving me crazy. I’m not an optometrist and it is still driving me nuts. If I manufactured Bolton’s frames I’d be thinking of suing him for defamation.

Perhaps if his frames were electrified and he got a little zap every time he grabbed hold?

Having carefully considered this topic, I conclude the message is  “I am the one guy who really gets it.”


But we already got it . . . about Trump. Sure, Bolton has his own stories, but do they add a thing to what we already know about Venal and Vile? Why didn’t he speak up in, say February, when it would have meant something?







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