A Prayer for This Day
I want to share with you a prayer that my nephew, Sam, who lives in Costa Rica, shared with me:
Lord, in the silence of this day that is born
I come to you to ask for your wisdom and strength
Today I want to see the world with eyes full of love
Make me be patient, understanding, humble, soft and good.
Let me see behind the appearances of your children, as you see them yourself, so as to be able to appreciate the goodness of each
Close my ears to all murmuring, keep my tongue from all evil, let only the thoughts that bless others stay in me.
I want to be so well-intentioned and fair that everyone who comes close to me feels your presence.
Overflow me with your goodness, Lord, so that during this day I reflect you. Amen.
from Fr. Ignacio Larrannaga
What a lovely prayer for God and God’s grace to work in us and through us. Thank you, Sam.
I need to remind myself that what Fr. Larrannaga writes of and prays for, is not something that comes to pass because of our own efforts or achievement of a spiritual perfection. Perfection is not ours to attain. This comes, in the measure it does, because of God’s power working through the Holy Spirit to do in us what we cannot do for or by ourselves alone.
To God be the glory.