Recent Publications
- “Making Our Political Polarization Less Destructive,” The Christian Century, May 20, 2020
- Useful Wisdom: Letters to Young (and not so young) Ministers. Wipf and Stock Publishing, March 2020. Available at Amazon.
- “Baptizing the Ordinary,” in What Is Jesus Doing? God Activity in the Life and Work of the Church, InterVarsity Press, 2020.
- “Collateral Damage: Changing the Conversation about Firearms and Faith,” The Christian Century, October 23, 2019.
- “Our Towns: A 100,000 Mile Journey Into the Heart of America,” review, The Christian Century, January 30, 2018.
- “But As For You: Pastoral Leadership in a Post-Institutional Time,” in The Usefulness of Scripture: Essays in Honor of Robert W. Wall, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2018.
- “Do We Still Need Institutions?” The Christian Century, April 21, 2021
- Podcast at Crackers and Grape Juice, May 7, 2021
- “The Busy Church Dilemma,” The Christian Century, June 2, 2021.