Michael McGarrity, Calvin Shivers, Elizabeth Neumann
September 2, 2020
New Webinar beginning May 6 “Adventures In Barth”
Our online Monday night sessions with the pod posse will resume this coming week.
Barth Scholar Mark James Edwards will be joining us too.
We will begin reading from the theologian Karl Barth but (!) we will do so in small bites.
In May, we will start with the Barmen Declaration, a statement of faith written in most part by Barth as part of the Confessing Church’s resistance to Nazism. This month marks the 90th anniversary of the Barmen Declaration.
The Barmen Declaration is an important modern exemplification of how Christians discern when it is the time to resist what Ken Jones preached against this Sunday, “the elemental spirits.” After we read and discuss the BD, we will move on and slowly read different paragraphs from Barth’s Church Dogmatics.