What's Tony Thinking

My Second “Show”


I hung ten of my paintings early this morning at Javasti Cafe in Northeast Seattle. Great little place with wonderful crepes, or so I am told.

Javasti has three Seattle locations. This is the one in Maple Leaf, at 85th and 5th.

Hope some of you that are in the Seattle area can get by for a look-see. The show is up until November 30. Remember, Christmas is coming!

All of the paintings in this exhibit are landscapes painted in acrylic, save one which is a watercolor of a kingfisher (bird). Several are scenes from the Wallowas. One from Hawaii. A couple from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in southeastern Oregon. All are framed.

My first show was last year in Hood River at another coffee shop/ cafe. I managed to sell 7 of the 12 paintings I had up there. Hoping for similar success here as we’re running out of space in the condo! Anyhow, drop by, if you are in the area and have a good cup of coffee. Thanks for the support!

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